All prices include deliver, pick-up, disposal and a 2 week rental of the container.
10 Yard Wood ONLY Dumpsters:
Zip Code Price
98383 $150
98370 $150
98380 $175
98110 $225
98310 $150
98311 $150
98312 $150
98366 $225
Our wood only dumpsters can be a mix of natural vegetation, land clearing, clean construction wood.
When renting a dumpster you agree to ensure that there is NO GARBAGE, including roofing (cedar shingles are okay), insulation, tar paper, sheet rock, etc. Any dumpsters that have any materials other than wood will be charged a sort fee and a disposal fee that will be determined by Williams Wood Waste Recycling. Failure to pay these fees will result in being sent to collections. Dumpsters can not be filled past the top, over filling a dumpster will result in additional fees and we will leave the excess behind. Thank you for your understanding in this!
*****Prices are subject to change without notice*****