Products Available

Be sure to check out our Facebook page for updates on products (if we sell out of a product it will be listed there with an update on when it will be back in stock)!

Screened Dirt

Our screened dirt has a mix of soils, it is primarily used for fill dirt.  It has small rocks and sticks which provide great drainage.  This is available at $16/ yard.

Chunky Mulch

Our Chunky Mulch (above) is natural vegetation ground once.  It has larger chucks of woody material.  Makes great ground cover for winter protection, great for flowerbeds. $12/yard

Fine Mulch

Our Fine Mulch is created with the same materials as our Chunky Mulch.  We take our Chunky Mulch and regrind it, creating this beautiful dark colored natural fine mulch!  $22/yard

Screened Top Soil

Our Screened Top Soil is a dream for flowerbeds, gardens, and lawns. It has a refined mixture of quality soil, fine mulch and sand. $22./yard and at this price it is hard to keep in stock!  

3/4 Minus Rock

We now carry 3/4 minus rock!  $35./yard

3/4 Clean Rock

We now carry 3/4 clean rock!  $48./yard

Screened Sand

Screened Sand!  $22/yard

Medium Bark

We now carry Medium Bark!  $38./yard